Day 1....say nothing problem.
Day something nice for your problem.
Day something for your spouse....Defiately no problem.
Day your spouse during the day to see how they are problem.
I know what you are thinking, Sam sure has this love dare thing whipped........well let me tell you, that is what I thought until i read Day 5.
Day 5....Have your spouse make a list of 3 things that you do that irritates, annoys, or aggrivates them....GINORMOUS PROBLEM!!!!
Noone no matter who they are likes to hear bad things about themselves. Furthermore, I get crazy defensive when someone says something negative towards me. this journey is one of, if not THE most difficult things I have ever undergone........ and it is only Day5!
I need help, I need comments of encouragement, I need to pills that will allow me to wake up the moment Gabriel gets fussy in the middle of the night!
Carly, is it this hard for you??? I just have to stay committed no matter how hard it is, my marriage is worth it!
Help Me Jesus!!!
peace out
ily :)
Yes it has been difficult for me! I am not a fan of hearing someone tell me negative things about myself either. But just keep the big picture in sight. It will be exciting to see what happens on Day 41, right?!
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